Yavuzsan Automotive




With the Clarification Text for the Processing of Personal Data, as http://www.yavuzsan.com, in accordance with the Law on the Protection of Personal Data No. 6698, as the Data Controller, within the framework of our obligation to inform you under the KVKK, the methods and legal reasons for the collection of your Personal Data defined below, We would like to inform you about our protection methods and policy, the Personal Data samples processed, the identity of the data controller, the purposes of processing Personal Data, the transfer of your Personal Data to third parties and/or abroad, and the rights granted to you under the KVKK.


Within the scope of KVKK, personal data includes all kinds of information related to an identified or identifiable natural person, and Special Quality Personal Data, which is a special type of this, is based on race, ethnicity, political thought, philosophical belief, religion, sect or other beliefs, costume and dress, association, means data on foundation or union membership, health, sexual life, criminal conviction and security measures, as well as biometric and genetic data. In this context, the definition of Personal Data also includes your Sensitive Personal Data.


  1. How We Collect Your Personal Data and Legal Reasons


Yavuzsan acts in accordance with all the obligations sought in the relevant legislation, especially the KVKK, in all Personal Data processing activities it carries out, and takes the necessary security measures to securely host your Personal Data and to prevent the unlawful use of your Personal Data.


You can reach our policy on the protection of your Personal Data by visiting our “http://www.yavuzsan.com/” page. Personal Data processing expressed in this Clarification Text is carried out in accordance with the KVKK, relevant legislation and the Personal Data Protection Policy of Yavuzsan Otomotiv Sanayi ve Ticaret Limited Şirketi.


KVKK gereğince, aşağıda sayılanlar ve bunlara ileride eklenebilecek sair kanallar vasıtasıyla Kişisel Verilerinizi otomatik yahut otomatik olmayan yollarla, sözlü, yazılı veya elektronik şekilde aşağıdaki yöntemlerle toplamakta ve KVKK Madde 5.1, Madde 5.2, Madde 6.2 ve Madde 6.3 kapsamında işlemekteyiz:


  • Electronically, automatically or non-automatically, including but not limited to the following pages, on our website with the address "http://www.yavuzsan.com" and other websites that may be established in the future ("Website"),
  • Electronically or non-automatically through cookies that communicate with your devices on the Website (usually anonymous data is collected with cookies),
  • Electronically or automatically, through accounts operated on behalf of Yavuzsan on various social media channels,
  • Verbal, written or electronic means through automatic or non-automatic means within the scope of sales and marketing, through our employees operating on behalf of Yavuzsan and working in the sales and marketing network,
  • Correspondence carried out through our e-mail addresses, short messages sent for other purposes related to Yavuzsan activities, or other communication methods including multimedia messages and all kinds of communication tools,
  • Verbally, in writing or electronically, through automatic or non-automatic means within the scope of sales, marketing and after-sales services, through the entire service sales and marketing network established or operating by third parties that are not owned by or not within the body of Yavuzsan,
  • By automatic or non-automatic means, verbally, in writing or electronically, through our network of after-sales services established or operating by Yavuzsan or by third parties that are not within the body of Yavuzsan,
  • Through third parties such as group companies, business partners, manufacturers or companies to which Yavuzsan provides services or services.
  • Verbally or electronically, automatically or non-automatically, through your website, social media or other channels where you make your Personal Data public.



  1. Purposes of Processing Your Personal Data


Your Personal Data collected through the channels and methods mentioned in this Clarification Text are processed by Yavuzsan for the following purposes:


  1. Within the scope of KVKK Article 5.2 and Article 6.3;


As a rule, we process your Personal Data based on your explicit consent. However, your Personal Data may be processed without your explicit consent in exceptional cases permitted under the KVKK. In this context, (i) in order to fulfill our legal obligations (such as tax legislation, legislation for the protection of consumers, obligations arising from the law of obligations, commercial law and other legislation), (i.e. processing your data within the scope of e-invoice, e-archive or when required by consumer legislation; and All kinds of other transactions that can be attributed within the scope of the relevant regulation can be given as an example.) (ii) If you are unable to express your consent due to actual impossibility (iii) for the purpose of establishing or performing a contract (membership contracts, purchase and sale contracts, sale, supply, delivery of products or services) (iv) in order to fulfill our legal obligations such as receiving your questions and complaints regarding the service, responding to you, using them in a possible dispute when necessary, (v) sales and after-sales services. to service (vi) cost reduction, efficient use of resources, monitoring of call center service quality, provided that it does not harm your fundamental rights and freedoms, in order to establish or protect a right through the processes carried out within the scope of keeping the records as evidence and all kinds of other processes that can be attributed within the scope of the relevant regulation. In order to protect our legitimate interests, such as ensuring your security and measuring the quality of the service offered to you, evaluating and resolving your requests in this context; We process your Personal Data. In addition, the processing of the personal data you have made public within the limits set in the KVKK does not require your explicit consent. The processing of your Personal Data that you have made public on Social Media channels, your website and other channels and any other processing that can be attributed within the scope of the relevant regulation can be given as an example to this situation. Apart from this, in case of processing that requires your explicit consent, your explicit consent will also be obtained.


  1. Your Personal Data collected through the above channels, again with the methods stated above, may also be processed for the following purposes, provided that your express consent is obtained within the scope of Article 5.1 and Article 6.2 of the KVKK:


  1. Processing the Websites for the purpose of providing personalized content during your visit,
  2. Processing opportunities for products and services specific to you, such as internet advertising, targeting, re-targeting (=targeting and retargeting), cross-selling, campaign, opportunity and product/service advertisements,
  3. Processing for the purpose of creating new product and service models,
  4. Processing electronic commercial messages (such as campaigns, newsletters, customer satisfaction surveys, product and service advertisements) for the purpose of sending,
  5. Processing for corporate communication and other events and invitations in this context, for the purpose of organizing and informing about them, making application, entry and all related procedures for meeting participation, completing other necessary meeting notification procedures, participation in Congress/Symposium, scientific and educational meetings
  6. Processing your Private Personal Data for the purposes of your inability to express your consent due to actual impossibility, the establishment or performance of a contract, the fulfillment of our legal obligations, the establishment, use or protection of a right, the protection of our legitimate interests without harming your fundamental rights and freedoms.


  1. Processing Time of Your Personal Data


Personal Data that you have shared with Yavuzsan through the channels mentioned in this Clarification Text will be processed in accordance with the legislation on the protection of Personal Data, especially the KVKK, and the periods required by other legislation, unless the above legitimate purposes are eliminated in any case.


  1. Access to Your Personal Data and Your Rights Under KVKK


By applying to Yavuzsan in accordance with article 11 of the KVKK;


  1. Learning whether your Personal Data is processed or not,
  2. If your Personal Data has been processed, requesting information about it,
  3. Learning the purpose of processing your Personal Data and whether they are used in accordance with its purpose,
  4. Knowing the third parties to whom your Personal Data is transferred, in the country or abroad,
  5. Requesting correction of your Personal Data if it is incomplete or incorrectly processed,
  6. To request the deletion or destruction of your Personal Data in case the reasons requiring the processing of your Personal Data disappear, in order to be evaluated within the principles of purpose, duration and legitimacy,
  7. In case of correction, deletion or destruction of your Personal Data, requesting that these transactions be notified to the third parties to whom the Personal Data has been transferred,
  8. Objecting to this result if a result arises against you if your processed Personal Data is analyzed exclusively through automated systems,
  9. Requesting the compensation of the damage in case your Personal Data is processed unlawfully and you suffer damage for this reason,


you have the rights. In this context, you can send your request regarding your rights above to our e-mail address, which may change from time to time, by filling out the form on our website or by creating your own request to meet the conditions determined by the Personal Data Protection Authority, from your e-mail address registered in our system. by e-mail (please check your registered e-mail address in our system) or with a secure electronic signature or mobile signature to our cap address or to our mail address below, which may change from time to time, with a wet-signed petition or through a notary public, and You can send it by other methods determined by the Personal Data Protection Authority, which may be added to them in the future. Please confirm the current application methods from the legislation before applying. According to the nature of the request, Yavuzsan will conclude the request free of charge as soon as possible and within 30 (thirty) days at the latest. In case of additional costs related to the conclusion of the requests by Yavuzsan, the fees in the tariff determined by the Personal Data Protection Board may be requested by Yavuzsan.



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